Indonesian Army and Yalai Village Unite for a Cleaner, Greener Papua

    Indonesian Army and Yalai Village Unite for a Cleaner, Greener Papua

    Sugapa Intan Jaya - In a remarkable show of unity and cooperation, the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), through the Raider Infantry Battalion 509/Balawara Yudha Kostrad Task Forces, organized a community clean-up in Yalai Village, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Tengah. The event, held on Friday, 1 October 2024, drew enthusiastic participation from local residents alongside TNI soldiers, setting a new standard for community engagement and environmental care.

    The clean-up initiative, led by First Lieutenant Wanianto and his team from the Holomama Post, was born out of a series of Social Communication sessions between the Task Forces and Yalai Village leaders earlier in the week. Commander of the 509 Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Dian Dessiawan Setyadi, highlighted the TNI’s commitment to supporting the well-being of local communities, including helping to create a cleaner and healthier environment. During the discussions, the community and Task Forces identified critical areas for the clean-up, such as village roads, gutters, and the surroundings of residential homes.

    Friday morning saw a flurry of activity as Yalai villagers and soldiers joined forces, armed with brooms, bags, and a shared sense of purpose. Working side by side, they cleared debris, unclogged drains, and revitalized the spaces around village homes. It was an unprecedented event, marking the first collaboration of this kind between TNI forces and the residents, demonstrating the power of unity in achieving shared goals.

    Mr. Roni Japugau, a respected Community Leader in Yalai, expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the village: “Thank you, Commander 509. Yalai Village is clearer now. God bless.”

    Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, Commanding General of HABEMA, commended the efforts of the 509 Task Forces, applauding their proactive approach in strengthening ties with the local community. “The 509 Task Forces' initiative is a shining example of TNI’s inclusive communication and commitment to supporting welfare development in Papua, ” said Brigadier General Avianto. “This project not only improves the environment but also inspires hope and progress for a brighter future in Papua.”

    The initiative stands as a testament to TNI’s dedication to building connections and promoting welfare across Papua, paving the way for more collaborations aimed at creating a cleaner, greener, and united region.


    Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho

    intan jaya papua
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    Jurnalis Agung

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